Padavan Routers

We do NOT guarantee that our VPN will work with your specific router.

Each router is different. The same model may be flashed with a different version of the OS, and some routers may only support older OS versions which don't work with our App.

We have tested our software with these routers:

On TaoBao:

友华WR1200JS MT7621A千兆1200M路由器 双频AC无线带USB 刷好系统 路由宝 L2 双频千兆 AC1200无线路由器潘多拉PADAVAN MT7621A

The routers above come pre-installed with all the software you need. No need to flash anything.

Step 1: Log into your Padavan router

  1. Connect to your router's WiFi

  2. Open your browser on your computer and type (may be different for your router, check the bottom of your router for the actual details) on the url bar

  3. Enter your username and password to login to the router's control panel (if it's the first time, the username and password are usually both 'admin')

  1. Login to your client area (

  2. Click on "Manage your VPN Subscription" under 'Your Subscription'

  3. Under the box "Your Subscribe Links", click on the "Subscribe Link" button to copy your link to the clipboard

  1. On the menu bar on the left of your Padavan control panel, go to "Shadowsocks"

  2. On the top bar of the Shadowsocks panel, click on "节点配置" or "Shadowsocks Server" (depending on the language installed)

  3. Paste the Subscribe link into the box next to "ssr_服务器订阅" and click on the light blue button next to it (labelled "更新") to download the server list

Step 4: Choose your server

  1. Choose the server you'd like to connect to from the list (tick the box next to it)

  2. Scroll down and click on the green button labelled "应用主SS" to set it as the main server

  3. Select a backup server from the list, scroll down and click on the second green button labelled "应用备SS" to add it as a backup server (in case the main one is down)

  4. Click the blue "Apply" button

Step 5: Connect

  1. Scroll back up and change the options to match the one in the picture below

  2. Click "Apply"

  3. If you haven't done so already, toggle the switch on (as in the picture above) and click "Apply" to connect

Last updated

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