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About WannaFlix VPN
Download and install the VPN app
How many devices can I connect to simultaneously?
What devices and platforms do you support?
Is WannaFlix working? (to be done...)
Automatic renewal payment failed (to be done...)
Cancel your WannaFlix subscription
Find your API links (to be done...)
Find your OpenVPN credentials and config files for manual configuration (to be done...)
Get your WannaFlix payment invoice (to be done...)
Purchase additional WannaFlix subscriptions (to be done...)
Renew your WannaFlix subscription (to be done...)
Retrieve or change your WannaFlix email address (to be done...)
Connection help
Can't connect: subscription expired (to be done...)
Can't connect to internet while connected to WannaFlix
Register your ip address for SmartDNS (to be done...)
Troubleshoot API connection problems (to be done...)
Unable to connect to WannaFlix servers
Why is my VPN always disconnecting? (to be done...)
Other Issues
Become a WannaFlix beta user (to be done...)
Contact WannaFlix support via Telegram
Uninstall your VPN app (to be done...)
Your connection is not private (to be done...)
Last updated
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