WannaFlix's Situation in Iran
To Customers from Iran:
Before you purchase our service, we wanted to give you a quick heads up about the availability of WannaFlix VPN in Iran.
Our service is provided on a best effort basis for users in Iran. It may not always work as well as expected, and not all servers may be available. Since most of our user base is in China, servers will be optimized for use in China.
Please consider alternative options before purchasing WannaFlix. If you do decide to try us out, we strongly recommend purchasing the monthly plan instead of the yearly plan, and using crypto (USDT) to pay.
For your security, please use a VPN to purchase WannaFlix if you are in Iran.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us via support ticket on our website.
Best regards,
The WannaFlix Team
Last updated
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