This page will help you select the best server for your needs and aims to provide greater transparancy in the routing of the VIP servers.
CT: China Telecom
CU: China Unicom
CM: China Mobile
CN2: Premium China Telecom network
From China
Hong Kong 1
China Telecom: CT -> China Server CN2 -> Hong Kong PCCW
China Unicom: CU -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Hong Kong PCCW
China Mobile: CM -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Hong Kong PCCW
Ping: 50 ms + time to China Server CN2
Hong Kong 2
China Telecom: CT -> China Server CN2 -> Hong Kong PCCW
China Unicom: CU -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Hong Kong PCCW
China Mobile: CM -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Hong Kong PCCW
Ping: 40 ms + time to China Server CN2
Hong Kong 3 via AMAZON CDN
China Telecom: CT -> Hong Kong AMAZON
China Unicom: CU -> Hong Kong Unicom -> Hong Kong AMAZON
China Mobile: CM -> Hong Kong CMI -> Hong Kong PCCW
Ping: 40-50 ms for CT/CU, ~100 ms for CM
Hong Kong 4 via AMAZON CDN
China Telecom: CT -> Hong Kong AMAZON
China Unicom: CU -> Hong Kong Unicom -> Hong Kong AMAZON
China Mobile: CM -> Hong Kong CMI -> Hong Kong PCCW
Ping: 60-70 ms for CT/CU, ~120 ms for CM
China Telecom: CT -> China Server CN2 -> Japan NTT
China Unicom: CU -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Japan NTT
China Mobile: CM -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Japan NTT
Ping: 65ms + time to China Server CN2
China Telecom: CT -> CN2 -> Korea BGP
China Unicom: CU -> CN2 -> Korea BGP
China Mobile: CM -> Hong Kong CMI -> Korea BGP
Ping average: 50 ms on all 3 networks
Ping range: 30 - 60 ms
China Telecom: CT -> China Server CN2 -> Singapore PCCW
China Unicom: CU -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Singapore PCCW
China Mobile: CM -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Singapore PCCW
Ping: 70ms + time to China Server CN2
US West Coast
China Telecom: CT -> China Server CN2 -> Los Angeles (Level 3)
China Unicom: CU -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Los Angeles (Level 3)
China Mobile: CM -> CT -> China Server CN2 -> Los Angeles (Level 3)
Ping: 130ms + time to China Server CN2
China Telecom: CT -> China Server CM -> Germany DIRECT
China Unicom: CU -> China Server CM -> Germany DIRECT
China Mobile: CM -> China Server CM -> Germany DIRECT
Ping: 220ms + time to China Server CM
From Other Countries
Each country will have different routing to the non-[CHINA] servers. However, all our servers are well connected to multiple major international networks and provide fast and stable connections no matter where you are.
Hong Kong 3 & 4 via AMAZON CDN
Average ping to AMAZON CDN: 2-7 ms + time to Hong Kong
Average ping to CLOUDFLARE CDN: 2-20 ms + time to USA
Last updated
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